
Andreas Leha <andreas.l...@med.uni-goettingen.de> writes:

> How can a pass a non-optional argument to a special list in LaTeX
> export?

You can't. See below.

> The 'currvita' LaTeX package comes with the environment 'cvlist'.  This
> cvlist is to be used like this:
> \begin{cvlist}{Personal Information}
>   \item[Date of Birth] 01.01.2014
>   \item[Place of Birth] Berlin
>   \item[Nationality] German
> \end{cvlist}
> So, it has the title of the list as argument.  How would I create such
> list from Org mode?
> For that case it seems to be a little inconvenient that Org does
> surround any given :options with '[ ... ]' automatically, because the
> closest I get with a pure Org mode solution is

I introduced :environment property thinking about "paralist" package,
which uses only optional arguments. Therefore :options tries to be smart
and enclose its value within square brackets when necessary.

The problem is that this differs from :options property in special
blocks, which will append its value verbatim after the environment name.

I guess the best move would be to avoid being too smart and do the same
for :options in plain lists. The manual would need to be updated


> \begin{cvlist}[{Personal Information}]
> \item [Date of Birth]  01.01.2014
> \item [Place of Birth] Berlin
> \item [Nationality]    German
> \end{cvlist}
> produced by this Org snippet:
> #+ATTR_LATEX: :environment cvlist :options {Personal Information}
> - [Date of Birth]  01.01.2014
> - [Place of Birth] Berlin
> - [Nationality]    German

This syntax is not possible anymore in latest Org release. You cannot
start an item with a square bracket and expect it will become an option
to \item anymore. This should be:

  #+ATTR_LATEX: :environment cvlist :options {Personal Information}
  - @@latex:[Date of Birth]@@ ...
  - @@latex:[Place of Birth]@@ ...
  - @@latex:[Nationality]@@ ...

or, in this particular case, simply:

  #+ATTR_LATEX: :environment cvlist :options {Personal Information}
  - Date of Birth :: ...
  - Place of Birth :: ...
  - Nationality :: ...

But it won't solve the problem discussed above.


Nicolas Goaziou

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