"Sebastien Vauban" <sva-n...@mygooglest.com>

> "Sebastien Vauban" wrote:
>> To get a list of tasks which I've completed today, I guess we must have:
>>   (setq org-log-done t) ; default
>> I mean: I guess it's more dangerous to try and play with the "state
>> changes" information stored in the LOGBOOK drawer as people can easily
>> modify them (see `org-log-note-headings').
>> Under the above assumption, the request becomes:
>> (add-to-list 'org-agenda-custom-commands
>>              '("." "Completed today"
>>                ((todo "DONE|CANX"
>>                       ((org-agenda-skip-function '(org-agenda-skip-entry-if 
>> 'notregexp "CLOSED: \\[2014-02-13"))
>>                        (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(priority-down)))))) t)
>> ... for today.
>> But how can I include today's date in a programmatic way (so that it
>> continues to work tomorrow ;-))?
> That one is solved by doing this:
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
>   (add-to-list 'org-agenda-custom-commands
>                '("." "Completed today"
>                  ((todo ""
>                         ((org-agenda-skip-function
>                           '(org-agenda-skip-entry-if 'notregexp 
> (format-time-string "CLOSED: \\[%Y-%m-%d")))))
>                          (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(priority-down)))))) t)
> #+end_src
> Best regards,
>   Seb

I don't really understand the lisp, but I'm guessing that %Y, %m, and %d
hold the current year, month, and day, respectively, so I can see how
the regex could be modified to deal with "last year" and "last month".

However, more useful to me would be "last week", so what approach should
I take for that?



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