On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 12:23 PM, Simon Thum <simon.t...@gmx.de> wrote:
> A small update:
> org-export-babel-evaluate does what I need. I'm still a bit confused why it
> asks in this instance and not others, but it works.

That is interesting. I just checked my own config and I just have:

(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)

That's it, and I don't think I ever get asked, either with C-c C-c in
the buffer, or upon export. It would be nice to figure it out in case
it's a bug or loophole. You might try with a minimal config on your
file manually. Something like:

;; load path(s)
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.elisp/org.git/lisp/")

;; various babel options here
(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)

Then start emacs with `emacs -Q` from a terminal, and then do `M-x
load-file`, pointing Emacs to the minimal config you create. Try
interactive eval and export form that instance?


> If that is unexpected behaviour you want to clarify, do not hestitate to
> ask.
> Cheers,
> Simon
> On 02/21/2014 10:12 PM, Simon Thum wrote:
>> Sorry, I was being imprecise.
>> I do have maxima and shell and other source bocks since the dawn of org,
>> approximately. I did not have any gnuplot blocks until before two weeks.
>> The gnuplot blocks break my setup, currently.
>> So, what is weird is that maxima and shell do well but gnuplot wants its
>> interactive things.
>> I noticed the same behaviour when exporting interactively - babel  asks
>> me for the gnuplot stuff. Could it be that the export defaults vary per
>> backend?
>> My org-confirm-babel-evaluate is t. However on export, only gnuplot
>> triggers this question. I now notice that maxima is executed on export
>> without asking first; I guess shell is the same.
>> Things are getting stranger...
>> Cheers,
>> Simon
>> On 02/21/2014 12:38 AM, John Hendy wrote:
>>> On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 4:12 PM, Simon Thum <simon.t...@gmx.de> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I have a server over which I sync my Org files and provide drops for
>>>> other
>>>> clients, chiefly iCal and vCard. Therefore I need non-interactive
>>>> export.
>>>> Things recently stopped working however, and although I acknowledge
>>>> it is
>>>> likely not Org's fault maybe here I can find somewone more into lisp
>>>> to help
>>>> me out a bit.
>>>> In my logs I find, since it stopped working:
>>>>> Evaluate this gnuplot code block on your system? (yes or no)
>>>> Which stops the show, waiting for input. Emacs is started with -batch
>>>> and is
>>>> given an export script. This so far avoided such questions (from
>>>> org-babel?)
>>>> successfully. I have maxima blocks since ages and do not remember having
>>>> seen this behaviour.
>>>> Does naybody have an idea what could be going on?
>>>> The machine does not even have gnuplot.
>>> I don't think the machine matters so much as the source of Org/babel
>>> thinking gnuplot *code* exists in one of your files.
>>> Can you try something like this from the directory containing the
>>> exported files?
>>> grep -r "#+begin_src gnuplot" *
>>> I would have suggested just tweaking the variable
>>> =org-confirm-babel-evaluate=, but I think it's more important to track
>>> the source of this down, as turning the inquiries off implies that we
>>> all know exactly what's going to be evaluated, and this sounds like an
>>> instance of something not only unknown, but a change on what you
>>> believe to be a rather unchanged system, which is definitely
>>> concerning.
>>> Good luck,
>>> John
>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>> Simon

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