Rainer M Krug <rai...@krugs.de> writes:

> Hi
> I would like to save all in org defined variables into an R data
> file. In general this works fine with the following code block:
> #+begin_src R :session null :results output
> dir.create("./data/", showWarnings=FALSE)
> save.image("./data/orgData.rda")
> #+end_src
> but, as I have defined a file wide session for R via 
> #+PROPERTY: session *R_MOBILIS*
> I have to create a new session for this, which is not that nice: when I
> remove a variable in org, it is still in the R environment and will
> therefore be saved. Therefore my question:
> what can I provide to the :session header, so that no session is used?
> In other words: how can I run a single code block out-of-session when
> all other are running in a session?
> Thanks,
> Rainer

This should be
 :session none


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