Hi Richard,

This looks very interesting.  I have created some code that uses tables
for glossed examples.  So it turns this:

#+name: ex:ilurdotz
#+header: :gloss yes
#+header: :trans You carried me in the car.
#+header: :cite /MVAV/ Southern High Navarre, p.\space{}160
| zuek    | ekarri | n-ai-zue        | neri    | kotxe-an |
| 2PL.ERG | bring  | 1SG-AUX-2PL.ERG | 1SG.DAT | car-LOC  |

\gla[] zuek ekarri n-ai-zue neri kotxe-an//
\glb[] \textsc{2pl.erg} bring \textsc{1sg-aux-2pl.erg} \textsc{1sg.dat} car-\textsc{loc}//
\glft ‘You carried me in the car.’ \trailingcitation{\emph{MVAV} Southern High Navarre, p.\ 160}//
This uses the expex glossing package <http://www.ctan.org/pkg/expex>,
which I find to be the most flexible (despite also having some annoying
quirks, such as being targeted towards plain TeX use and thus not being
fully integrated with LaTeX conventions).

I also have some code for embedding syntax trees, which basically just
passes them through to LaTeX (with some niceties such as translating
#+caption to \caption{}).  I’ve been meaning to rewrite this for some
time so that it compiles the trees to SVG to enable embedding into html.

2014ko otsailak 21an, Richard Lawrence-ek idatzi zuen:


> \begin{exe}
> \ex[ ]{This is an example sentence.} \label{s:example}
> \ex[*]{This ungrammatical sentence!} \label{s:ungrammatical}
> \end{exe}

Does this work correctly when the \label is outside the brackets of the
\ex?  I guess it must, but I was surprised...

Aaron Ecay

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