Hi Nicolas,

Thanks for your time.

At Sat, 01 Mar 2014 21:20:18 +0100,
Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
> >> Anyway, I don't understand why there is so much fuss about this.
> >
> > That's because a) the commands have been working
> This is not a sufficient reason. We are discussing a minor feature.
> Removing it doesn't remove any functionality to Org, as the "thing" just
> saves a few keystrokes, on a good day.

Ok.  If this is yet another bickshed, I'll drop from the discussion.

> While re-implementing the function, it appears that the feature just
> doesn't fit. So this is a good time to ponder about its real usefulness,
> and, if it is worth bending the new function to add it back. I think it
> isn't.
> As I already said, opening the next link in the same line is dubious. In
> the following example, with point between the links, the previous
> behaviour was to open "link2":
>   [[link1]]  [[link2]]
> Now consider the following case, where point is before the "a":
>   [[link1]] a very ... very long line of text [[link2]]
> The previous behaviour implied to also open "link2". This is not
> really straightforward.

If the point is before the "a", that means the point is right after
the link, it should open `link1' instead of `link2', IMNSHO.  This
isn't even the previous behavior, I admit, but if you move the pointer
to the end of the line (that's right after the link2), it _opened_
links2. This behavior works quite well with Emacs' cursor movement.

;; uga, `forward-word' doesn't work as I expected on
;; [[http://google.com][google]].  It stops at the first `o'.

>                          Worse, if `visual-line-mode' is on,
> [[link2]] can be many lines below. In the following case, with point
> still before the first "a", opening [[link2]] is just odd:
>   [[link1]] a very ... very long line
>   which spans over many visual lines
>   of text [[link2]].
> It is odd because in the same situation, without `visual-line-mode' but
> with `auto-fill-mode' on, C-c C-o will report "No link found".

Both should report "No link found".  `org-end-of-line' takes care of
`visual-line-mode', why not `org-open-at-link'?

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