Can someone give me some hints for how to set up a publishing project in
org-mode 8?  Am I right in thinking that I can't use easy customization to
set up a publish project alist?

I've been reading various links such as

and even and

but since I'm not at all a power user I find myself rather lost.  I
generally rely on the customization browsers to do most of my
configuration.  I do sometimes edit .emacs manually but normally closely
following an example. I'd really like to set up a project based on the worg
tutorial at

but I don't know where to begin adapting it to the new export framework.

For example, I'd be very grateful if someone could "translate" the
following (or something more simple) into org-mode 8 version, so I can
start evaluating and playing with it.

(require 'org-publish)
(setq org-publish-project-alist
 :base-directory "~/org/"
 :base-extension "org"
 :publishing-directory "~/public_html/"
 :recursive t
 :publishing-function org-publish-org-to-html
 :headline-levels 7
 :auto-preamble t
 :base-directory "~/org/"
 :base-extension "css\\|js\\|png\\|jpg\\|gif\\|pdf\\|mp3\\|ogg\\|swf"
 :publishing-directory "~/public_html/"
 :recursive t
 :publishing-function org-publish-attachment
("org" :components ("org-notes" "org-static"))

Many thanks!
Org-mode version 8.2.5h (8.2.5h-30-gdd810b-elpa
GNU Emacs 24.3.1 (i386-mingw-nt6.2.9200)

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