> On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 6:19 PM, Xebar Saram <zelt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thx Oleh
>  you said you dont refile much latley, is there a better solution ;-)

There is, actually.
It's quite simple: capture all the tasks into the proper place right away,
instead of dumping them into one place and sorting out later.

Firstly, there's capturing into project.
A project is just a heading at gtd.org/Projects/project-name.
Once a task is in a project, there's rarely any need to refile it.
I tag each task with the project tag anyway, just in case.
The project setup is a list entry like this:

    '("TINY" "y" "tiny.el")

That's the tag, key binding and heading name. I push this data into
Now I can capture into project gtd.org/Projects/tiny.el with "C-- y".

Secondly, there's a special capture for pdf files, I've posted it on
the list before.

Thirdly, there are captures from `org-protocol`. I have this setup:

    (setq org-protocol-default-template-key "l")
    (push '("l" "Link" entry (function org-handle-link)
            "* TODO %(org-wash-link)\nAdded: %U\n%(org-link-hooks)\n%?")

`org-handle-link` will distinguish:

1. Links for StackOverflow questions, putting them in wiki/stack.org/Questions.
2. Links to YouTube, downloading the video with `youtube-dl` and including both
   the link to the original and the downloaded videos in the captured item.
   I highly recommend `youtube-dl`: watching videos in vlc compared to firefox
   is like editing in Emacs compared to gedit:)
3. All the rest will be dumped into ent.org/Articles.

`org-wash-link` currently just strips the unnecessary " - Stack
Overflow" from the link description, since the task is already in
wiki/stack.org/Questions. It's possible to add other rules per website
of course.

Hopefully some of the described tricks are useful.
I can post the code on github if anyone's interested in the details.


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