I have a long tree, like this: 

* foo
** bar
*** baz
**** hukarz
**** qux
**** quux
*** corge
**** grault
text: corge
**** garply
text: corge
*** azerty
**** plugh
text: corge
**** ethud

Now, If I f.ex do C-c a s corge, I get multiple hits, but I really only
search for level 3 items always. Is there any way to restrict the search
to only level 3 items?

Also, when I find a result, I want to jump to the last item in that
tree, so if I search for "corge", I want to end up with point on the
level 4 item "**** garply"

Any pointers as to how I can do this?

Esben Stien is b0ef@e     s      a             
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