On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 7:57 AM, John Hendy <jw.he...@gmail.com> wrote: > > On Mar 10, 2014 12:22 AM, "Nick Dokos" <ndo...@gmail.com> wrote: >> >> John Hendy <jw.he...@gmail.com> writes: >> >> > I was just playing around with the new syntax for accessing >> > sidewaystable in Org 8.0, but it doesn't seem to be working. The >> > manual /seems/ pretty straightforward: >> > - http://orgmode.org/manual/LaTeX-specific-attributes.html >> > >> > ":placement >> > Float environment for the table. Possible values are sidewaystable, >> > multicolumn, t and nil. When unspecified, a table with a caption will >> > have atable environment. Moreover, :placement attribute can specify >> > the positioning of the float. " >> > >> >> Actually it says: >> >> ,---- >> | `:float' >> | `:placement' >> | Float environment for the table. Possible values are >> | `sidewaystable', `multicolumn', `t' and `nil'. When unspecified, >> | a table with a caption will have a `table' environment. Moreover, >> | `:placement' attribute can specify the positioning of the float. >> `---- >> >> Try >> >> #+attr_latex: :float sidewaystable >> >> instead. The doc does need clarification. >> > > Blast. I was close! I thought :float was standalone so I tried this combo > last night as well. > > :float :placement sidewaystsble > > Now it makes sense I think. Is placement just for things like [htb], then? > If so, perhaps those should be split into separate line items. >
Hi Nick (or others), Just following up on this so that the manual can be changed. Just to re-ask, I'm wondering if :float and :placement are independent (no overlap). If so, I'd suggest something more like this: #+begin_example :float Environment for the table... possible values are: sidewaystable, multicolumn, t and nil :placement Positioning arguments for the float... possible values are: [value list] #+end_example Is that possible, or do these arguments take any overlapping values. In looking for float placement options, I'm finding: - http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Floats,_Figures_and_Captions#Figures Thus, I'm guessing :placement takes h, t, b, p, !, and H (though it should be noted that sidewaystable requires the rotfloat package to use H). For what it's worth, while I was perusing this page for this email, I find it a bit confusing. The tables section says nothing about what the :float values do, yet images and code sections walk through each of them with a nice summary. There's also a link to [Images and tables], which seems pretty table-dominant in terms of the actual content. The title of that page would imply to me that it's an overview of tables and figures, however it's really only about captions and names. I wonder about adding links to the various #+attr_backend manual pages that exist for images/tables, as it seems like one would naturally be interested in how to export their images/tables properly from Org, and that page doesn't help with that at all. Thanks for any feedback. Happy to help make any desired changes. Best regards, John > Thanks! > John > [snip]