Hi all

I have a weird issue i really dont know how to debug. i have managed to get
org-capture working very well to my needs. only issue is when I launch
org-capture (C-c c) and choose a capture template it takes around 10-20
seconds to load the capture-template. it happens with any capture
templeates i try.  any idea whats causing this?
here is my current capture config

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :results non
  (setq org-capture-templates
        (quote (
                ("x" "todo_nix" entry (file+headline
"~/org/files/agenda/TODO.org" "Linux")
                 "*  %^{Description}" )
                ("o" "dl_movie" entry (file+headline "~/org/files/agenda/
dl.org" "Movies")
                 "*  %^{Description}  " )
                ("O" "dl_movie_prerelease" entry (file+headline
"~/org/files/agenda/dl.org" "Movies")
                 "*  %x :Pre_Release: " )
                ("v" "dl_TV" entry (file+headline "~/org/files/agenda/dl.org"
                 "*  %^{Description}" )
                ("m" "dl_music" entry (file+headline "~/org/files/agenda/
dl.org" "Music")
                 "*  %^{Description}" )
                ("h" "todo_home" entry (file+headline
"~/org/files/agenda/TODO.org" "Home")
                 "*   %?\n%T" )
                ("b" "todo_shopping" entry (file+headline
"~/org/files/agenda/food.org" "shopping")
                 "* SHOP  %^{Description} " )
                ;;;agenda captures
                ("w" "Work_short_term" entry (file+headline
"~/org/files/agenda/Research.org" "Short term Misc")
                 "* TODO  %^{Description} " )




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