Hi Robert,

Robert Eckl <eck...@gmx.de> writes:

> i'm trying to exclude one section from the toc 
> Following http://orgmode.org/manual/Export-settings.html in following
> example section 2 shoud not appear in the toc, but it appears.
> #+OPTIONS: toc:t
> * Section 1
> * Section 2
> :EXPORT_OPTIONS: toc:nil
> :END:
> What I'm missing?

Subtree options set through EXPORT_OPTIONS apply to the subtree
export, available through C-c C-e C-s, not to the subtree itself
during normal (unrestricted) export.

Maybe you can use inline tasks?

Or limit the scope of the TOC like this:

#+OPTIONS: toc:1

if the headlines you want to ignore are not top-level headlines.



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