On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 10:22 AM, Feng Shu <tuma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone
> I want to R output table with plot, I use a solution below,
> Who can tell me other solutions?

I sort of follow the below, but I think it would be more helpful to
describe what you *don't* like about the output below. In other words,
what are you trying to achieve that is not working below?


> thanks!
> #+begin_src R  :results output raw drawer
>   require("ascii")
>   print.org <- function (x, caption)
>   {
>       print(paragraph(paste("#+CAPTION: ", caption, sep="")),type="org")
>       print(ascii(x),type="org")
>   }
>   plot.org  <- function (x, caption)
>       {
>           pngfile <- paste(caption, ".png", sep="")
>           print(paragraph(paste("#+CAPTION: ", caption, sep="")),type="org")
>           png(pngfile)
>           plot(x)
>           dev.off()
>           print(paragraph(paste("[[./", pngfile, "]]", 
> sep=""),new=FALSE),type="org")
>       }
>   data <- data.frame(x=c(1,20,100,800),y=c(200,4,5,29))
>   print.org(data, "test-table1")
>   print.org(data, "test-table2")
>   plot.org(data, "test-pic")
> #+end_src
> #+CAPTION: test-table1
> |   | x      | y      |
> |---+--------+--------|
> | 1 | 1.00   | 200.00 |
> | 2 | 20.00  | 4.00   |
> | 3 | 100.00 | 5.00   |
> | 4 | 800.00 | 29.00  |
> #+CAPTION: test-table2
> |   | x      | y      |
> |---+--------+--------|
> | 1 | 1.00   | 200.00 |
> | 2 | 20.00  | 4.00   |
> | 3 | 100.00 | 5.00   |
> | 4 | 800.00 | 29.00  |
> #+CAPTION: test-pic
> [[./test-pic.png]]
> :END:
> --

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