Alan Schmitt <> writes:

> Hello,
> I have removed the single and double quote characters from my
> configuration of the emphasis borders:
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
>   (setcar (nthcdr 2 org-emphasis-regexp-components) " \t\n,")
>   (custom-set-variables `(org-emphasis-alist ',org-emphasis-alist))
> #+end_src
> However, the latex export of the following file is not correct.
> This is a string: ~"Nil"~.
> The generated latex is as follows (I show just the fragment of
> interest):
> #+begin_src latex
> This is a string: \textasciitilde{}"Nil"\textasciitilde{}.
> #+end_src
> I see the same problem with html export.
> Note that syntax highlighting works correctly.
> Is this a bug?

Looking a little deeper into this, it seems to be a regression. I had
files with things like ~'a list~ that exported correctly a couple weeks
ago that no longer export correctly.


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