Pontus Michael <m.pontus <at> gmail.com> writes:

> I would like to propose a change to the behavior of noweb expansion in 
> relation to prefix handling. 

> I recommend to introduce a change that will replace the inserted prefix
> with whitespace of equal length.


The behavior you desire can be obtained by using the 

     <<code-block-name(optional arguments)>>

idiom for noweb. For example, with a suitably crafted block called 
'my-noweb', this reference

    <<my-noweb( "(concat", "foo", ")" )>>

would expand just as you want. You can use the functions
org-babel-goto-named-src-block  and org-babel-get-src-block-info to achieve

Multiple noweb references might be handled as well by delimiting the second
argument, e.g. "foo,bar".


Revising the behavior of the existing code base might break code
that folks have written that depend on the current behavior.



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