Noah Slater <> writes:

> I posted a question on StackOverflow:
> Summary is: how do I sort an clock table by the % column?
> Is there anything "out there" I can use to get this working? If not,
> how complex a job would it be to write something that did this?
> If you point me in the right direction, I'll see what I can come up with.

Never tried on a clock table, but the following works on a generic
table, so I assume that it will work on a clock table too: put point
in the column by which you want to sort the table (in the body of the
table, not in the header) and say M-x org-sort RET n (I assume you
want numeric sorting, but org-sort provides several kinds). org-sort
is normally bound to C-c ^ too, so 

    C-c ^ n

should be all that's needed.

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