Lars Tveito <> writes:

> Hi, thanks for checking it out!
> Getting it to work with source-blocks was the feature I missed the most
> from the vanilla markdown exporter. If you specify a language in the
> source-block it will be added to the exported version as well; a problem
> occurs if you specify a language not supported by Github. Emacs lisp is
> an example of this, so there is a alist `org-gfm-lang' which by default
> has the value:
>     (("emacs-lisp" . "lisp") ("elisp" . "lisp"))
> So a source block like this:
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
>   (defun foo ()
>     'foo)
> #+end_src
> exports to this:
> ```lisp
> (defun foo ()
>   'foo)
> ```
> Which provides syntax highlighting in Github Flavored Markdown.

I see, its a feature not a bug ;)

To me it looked as if the exporter had failed on this, but as an Org
user I never digged very deep in (Github Flavored) Markdown syntax.

>> - Just like the Org exporter in general, it does not know how to deal
>>   with boxes made with rebox2.el, so I replaced them with example
>>   blocks.
> I am not familiar with rebox2.el. This back-end inherits most
> functionality from the markdown (vanilla) exporter, which again inherits
> from the html exporter. Since rebox2.el doesn't play nice with any of
> those it will cause problems with the github flavored as well.
> If you'd like the boxes created with rebox2.el to appear in the exported
> version you could possibly wrap it inside an example-block.

I think this was basically fixed by Nicolas yesterday, at least when I
tried with 'ascii backend the results were quite nice.

>> - What about numbered lists with longer text/blocks as item content - is
>>   the item numbering supposed to work?
> I hadn't tested this, but found an old org-file with notes packed with
> different lists. I generated it, and most of it looks good:
> (by the way, the
> content is rubbish, and in Norwegian).
> The only problems are with latex-code mixed in the document and sloppy
> work from the original org file.

I will do some further experiments with this, at first I thought it does
not work, but maybe its just me not complying with Org syntax demands
(and this would most likely not a specific problem of you exporter


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