Am Donnerstag, 10. April 2014, 11:02:52 schrieb Oleh:
> > Following all the nice comments you made after my first announce, I just
> > uploaded an updated version of the org-capture extension.
> > 
> > You can find it on the main webpage
> > or on the Mozilla addons
> > repository
> > (review pending from Mozilla people).
> Hi Olivier,
> Thanks for the great extension.
> No more meddling with bookmarks and keyconfig for me:).
> Oleh

OK, but could somebody, who understood this add-on, explain its use? 

Olivier wrote some time ago: 

> It just does the same thing as the Javascript bookmarklet but without
> the need to register the scheme org-protocol:// in Firefox/Gnome/KDE/XDG
> (or whatever we are supposed to do this week to manage handler for
> protocols). I hope this solution to be easier and more reliable, at
> least for Firefox users.

But this is all I could find and I still do not know, what it is good for?!



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