Nicolas Goaziou <> writes:

> Hello,
> zwz <> writes:
>> So here what I mean by "locally" is to adjust the org-latex-pdf-process
>> by some keywords, instead of binding it with some specific code/value
>> (which is difficult for modification)
> `org-latex-pdf-process' can be a function. You could send it a message
> telling it what functions to use. For example, a hook could find out
> what LaTeX class you're using and send the appropriate message to the
> function.

Thank you, Nicolas.
Can you give me some example code?

>> However I found it does not work in asyn export.
> Is is not related to async export.

I am not sure if I get you totally.
Here is what I put in my org-export-async-init-file:
(defun ox-xetex-setup ()
  (if (member "XeTeX" org-todo-keywords-1)
      (setq org-latex-default-packages-alist
                      (remove '("AUTO" "inputenc" t)
                      '("latexmk -xelatex -pdf -silent -f %f"))))

(add-hook 'org-mode-hook (lambda () (ox-xetex-setup)))
;; instead of add-hook as above, you can just put
;; (ox-xetex-setup)
;; but again, it still calls pdflatex when export asynchronously

And in some

* test
  blah blah

When I export it asynchronously, org-export calls pdflatex rather than
xelatex to generate pdf.

And even I put (ox-xetex-setup) directly in org-export-async-init-file,
it still does not work as expected.

> A few variables live outside the scope of BIND keywords.
> `org-latex-pdf-process' is one of them. Though, you can always define it
> as a file local variable.
> Regards,

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