I changed to the Enlightenment desktop manager, changed my underlying distro to 
Lubuntu (LXDE)

Both desktop managers co-opt the C-M-right and -left keys to change desktops. 
(They also co-opt C-S-right.) Ditto -up and -down.

I have tried the following: 

(global-set-key (kbd "C-S-right") 'org-demote-subtree)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-S-left") 'org-promote-subtree)

error: C-S- must prefix a single character, not right

Have also tried C-M-right, with similar results. 

Does anyone have an idea? I have two problems. On-line documentation has told 
me that I can spell out the word "right" to mean "right-arrow," but clearly 
that is wrong, and there is one letter that does this. ???

My second problem is this: will a command set in .emacs over-ride a command set 
by my desktop? If it does not, should I try the following, and use the Windows 
/ super key?

(global-set-key (kbd "C-s-right") 'org-demote-subtree)

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