Dotan Cohen <> writes:

> Hi all, I am a VIM user enchanted by the power of org-mode. Please
> excuse my apparent naivety!
> I am moving from Zim Wiki (excellent GUI program) to either Vimwiki
> (VIM plugin) or org-mode. I was surprised to see that org-mode has all
> the features of several apps that I use, including Task Warrior, Zim
> Wiki, and Tux Cards. However, one feature that is not clear to me is
> how to organize the various org-mode files. Surely I wouldn't leave
> that to the file system!
> Is there some Emacs plugin that could present the org-mode files in a
> tree-fashion, such as demonstrated on the left side of this Zim Wiki
> screenshot?
> That image is part of a Vimwiki feature request, the full page is here:
> If there is a better way to organize the files, then I would love to
> know how the more experienced users do it.
> Thank you!

I guess the answer(s) would be Dired (builtin to Emacs) or External
Links in Org.

David Masterson
Programmer At Large

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