Hi Clément and Others,

On 2014-04-27 at 10:14, Clément B. wrote:
> (setq reftex-cite-format
>            '((?\C-m . "\\cite[]{%l}")
>              (?b . "[[ref:%l][%A (%y)]]")))

I've been using reftex in Org -> LaTeX for a while and have my Org text
sprinkled with \cite{foo:yyyy}. I just saw the customized
reftex-cite-format from Clément (above). It looks much nicer in the
text, but raises two questions:

1) Can the link just use lastname? It looks like %A is the only way to
access author names, and does full names, so perhaps not without writing
some custom function? And more importantly, 

2) When I export this to LaTeX, it is not treated as a proper LaTeX
citation. The text is just the "%A (%y)" part. Is there some way to
export so that the ref:%l turns into a \cite{%l}? 



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