According to David Allen, whenever you define an action you need to
assign three pieces of information that you will later use as criteria
to decide what to do (in order of precedence):

 1. Context: Where should I be (@home, @work, etc.) and/or which tools
    should I have at my disposal (@computer, @internet, etc.) to do
    this action?
 2. Time needed: Which amount of time available must I have to do
    this action?
 3. Energy needed: How wasted/fresh can I be to do this action?

Then, when you're up for executing an action, you use "context", "time
available", and "energy available" as a sieve to sift out what can be
done. Only after you've looked at these three can you determine what
is the priority for right now, the present moment.

>From the Getting Things Done perspective you don’t want to assign
“priority” to action items on the front end because as soon as the
situation changes and a couple of variables shift, as they are
guaranteed to do, it will alter the array of possibilities. So lots of
the action items you have rated at given priority levels are going to
change. And when they do, then you’re busy re-prioritizing all those

This is why David Allen, states that "The `ABC' priority codes don’t work."

GTD suggests that priority makes a lot more sense to assess when you
know the complete "context+time available+energy available" of the
given moment.

Orgmode helps you capture
 - the context: by means of tags,
 - the time needed: by means of an "effort" property,
 - the ABC priorities: by means of cookies.

One notices:
 1) Orgmode offers a default implementation for priorities although
    this fourth criteria should not formally be dealt with according
    to GTD.
 2) The "energy" criteria is absent
 3) The word "effort" is misnamed as it reminds more of an energy
    measure than a duration.

Has anyone tried to customize orgmode so as to make it really GTD compliant?

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