On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 8:58 AM, Michael Strey <mst...@strey.biz> wrote:
> On 2014-04-25, John Hendy wrote:


>> Default Org -> LaTeX article looks *ugly as all hell* to me.
> Check the Komascript classes.

Missed this point. I've dabbled with them a little, but will have to
take another look as they come up quite a bit. The point made above

> Please read
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canons_of_page_construction
> before changing anything in the layout of margins.

> The typical LaTeX classes are made thorougly with those classic rules of
> page construction in mind.

So I took the most "typical" LaTeX class to be the default one used,
article. I'd expect the most common LaTeX class to truly represent the
pinnacle of typesetting glory ;) Other than font, if Koma changes
geometry/borders... I'm thinking that the article class must either 1)
not embody "the classic rules" that well or 2) the classic rules
aren't very aesthetically pleasing after all.


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