On Mon, May 05, 2014 at 02:47:23PM +1000, Alan Tyree wrote:
> I was trying to build a keyboard macro to remove targets of the form
> <<sec:some_title>>
> When in org-mode, emacs hangs after C-s <. If I turn off org mode and use a
> simple text mode, the keyboard macro works ok.
> Is this a bug or am I doing something pretty dumb?

Would help if you shared the macro.

Some ideas for troubleshooting:

1. you can inspect and re-edit the macro by calling `edit-last-kbd-macro',
2. you can name the last macro with `name-last-kbd-macro', you can then
   get the lisp source and save it in .emacs with `insert-kbd-macro'
   (see: (info "(emacs) Save Keyboard Macro")).

Hope this helps,


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