Hi Leonard

Thanks for the tip. I am exporting via Emacs's batch mode so I wrote a
short elisp function:

(defun org-export-non-greedy-select-tags (lst)
  "Workaround to export a .org file with headlines that contain
tags in `lst` AND headlines that have no tags"
  (let (all-buffer-tags)
    (setq all-buffer-tags (apply #'append (org-get-buffer-tags)))

    (dolist (tag lst)
      (delete tag all-buffer-tags)
    (setq org-export-exclude-tags all-buffer-tags)

On Sun, May 4, 2014 at 2:49 PM, Leonard Avery Randall <
leonard.a.rand...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Rehan,
> Rehan Iftikhar wrote:
> I'd like to export a .org file which includes all headlines without
> any tags AND headlines with selected tags. Headlines with tags which
> do not match the specified list are skipped.
> I am not sure exactly how to elegantly do what you wish to do, but
> if your tag list is not too extensive, you may be able to simply
> exclude all the tags you don't want. If you do not currently have a
> complete list of tags, you can get one by attempting to add a tag to
> headline by calling C-q and then pressing tab. That should give you
> a completions buffer with a list that includes all tags in the
> current .org file.  Then just add all the tags you don't want to
> org-export exclude tags or to an #+EXCLUDE_TAGS line.
> It's not elegant but it should work.
> Hope this helps,
> All the best,
> Leonard
>  Rehan Iftikhar <rehan.iftik...@gmail.com>
>  May 4, 2014 at 10:06 PM
> Hello
> I'd like to export a .org file which includes all headlines without any
> tags AND headlines with selected tags. Headlines with tags which do not
> match the specified list are skipped.
> My testing so far reveals that setting org-export-select-tags only selects
> headlines which strictly match the specified tag list. I have tried
> including nil, an empty string, and an empty string with a space in the
> specified tag list without any luck.
> Does anyone know if this is currently possible?
> Thanks,
> -Rehan


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