Hi, I just have a few questions that I couldn't figure out from the FAQ's and 
I'm trying to execute a python script within a SRC block using a virtual 
environment instead of my system's python implementation. I have a number of 
libraries in this virtual environment that I don't have on my system's python 
(e.g. Matplotlib). Now, I set [ python-shell-virtualenv-path ] to my 
virtualenv's root directory. When I run [ M-x run-python ] the shell runs from 
my virtual environment. That is, I can import Matplotlib with no problems. But 
when I import Matplotlib within a SRC block I get an import error. 
How can I have it so the SRC block uses the python in my virtual environment 
and not my system's python?
Is there any way I can set the path to a given virtual environment 
automatically when I load an org file?

HTML5 Export:
I'm trying to export my org-files in 'html5', as opposed to the default 
'xhtml-strict'. The manual says to set [ org-html-html5-fancy ] to t. I tried 
searching for [ org-html-html5-fancy ] in [ M-x org-customize ] but I couldn't 
find it. I tried adding [ (setq org-html-html5-fancy t) ] to my init.el, but 
nothing happened. I'm not at all proficient in emacs-lisp so my syntax may be 
wrong. The manual also says I can set [ html5-fancy ] in an options line. I'm 
not really sure how to do this. I tried [ #+OPTIONS html5-fancy: t ] but it 
didn't do anything.
How can I export to 'html5' instead of 'xhtml-strict' in org version 7.9.3f and 
Emacs version 24.3.1?
Is there any way I can view and customize the back-end that parses the org file 
to produce the html?

I appreciate any help you can offer.
- M                                       

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