On 2014-05-14 21:01 Nick Dokos wrote:
> Alexander Baier <alexander.ba...@mailbox.org> writes:


>> Is there a way for me to influence the placement of =\maketitle= and
>> thus be able to order those commands "the right way"?

> If \institute can be placed in the preamble, then using #+LATEX_HEADER
> instead of #+LATEX is probably the way to go.
> If it has to be in the document body, one way to do it is to redefine
> the variable org-latex-title-command in a file-local-variable section
> added to the end of your file:
> # Local Variables:
> # org-latex-title-command: "\\institute{Foo}\\maketitle"
> # End:
> See
>    (info "(emacs) File variables")

While we are on the topic of placing "stuff": I also need to insert
citations for which I use bibtex. I use #+LATEX:
\bibliographystyle{plain} and #+LATEX: \bibliography{literatur} under my
last header for the bibliography to be placed at the very end.

I find this to be a somewhat lacking solution as moving my last subtree
would move my bibliography, too.

Is there a way to make it make it appear at the bottom of my document no
matter what?

Alexander Baier

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