John Kitchin <> writes:

> Hi all,
> I have setup org-contacts and completion of emails in message mode. I have 
> some contacts that are tagged :group: and some tagged :group:ms:
> If I put +group in the email To field, it completes to all of the entries 
> (awesome!)
> But +group-ms does not work. Is that a bug, or a known limit of org-contacts? 
> That search works fine with C-c am.

An unknown limitation of org-contacts. ;)

org-contacts doesn't use `org-tags-view', that's why it doesn't support
this match syntax.

ATM, it is unclear to me how such syntax could be integrated with the
completion mechanism.

Also, I haven't look at the code that handles this in org-mode so I
don't know how easy or hard it would be to use it with org-contacts.

An alternative would be to provide a way to store the addresses of
contacts in a sparse tree or in the *org-agenda* buffer.

C-x b RET
C-c a m foo+bar RET
M-x org-contacts-copy-contacts RET
C-x b *Group* RET ;; Switch to Gnus
m                 ;; compose a message
C-c C-f           ;; goto From



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