Grant Rettke <> writes:

> Hi,
> Wanting to modify the contents of org-structure-template-alist I had
> this code run at startup after org was required:
> (mapc (lambda (asc)
>         (let ((org-sce-dc (downcase (nth 1 asc))))
>           (setf (nth 1 asc) org-sce-dc)))
>       org-structure-template-alist)
> That didn't modify the list, though.
> When I run that code after Emacs is started up, it works as expected.
> I tried putting that code in the org mode hook too, with the same result.

Hi Grant,

Since org-structure-template-alist is defined in org.el, you could
modify it after org.el loads:

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
  (eval-after-load "org"
       ;; modify org-structure-template-alist here



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