On Thu, 12 Jun 2014, Eric Schulte wrote:

Charles Berry <ccbe...@ucsd.edu> writes:

The following

| #+PROPERTY: tangle yes
| #+NAME: print-abc
| #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
| (format
| "<<%s>>" "abc")
| #+NAME: print-def
| #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
| (concat
| "<<" "def" ">>")
| #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :noweb yes
| <<print-abc>>
| <<print-def>>

tangles as

| (format
| "<<%s>>" "abc")
| (concat
| "<<" "def" ">>")
| (format
| "<<%s>>" "abc")
| (concat
| "")

Note that ""<<" "def" ">>" disappeared from (concat ...).

FWIW, adding quotes inside the constant string in org-babel-noweb-wrap:

"\\([^ \"\t\n][^\"]+?[^ \"\t]\\|[^ \"\t\n]\\)"

fixes this instance.

Does this raise any error, or fail silently?


Alas, it fails silently -- producing the erroneous output.

I guess the issue is that

        `(re-search-forward (org-babel-noweb-wrap) nil t)'

finds quoted expressions like

1. "<<abc>>"
2. (concat "<<" abc ">>")


  "\\([^ \"\t\n][^\"]+?[^ \"\t]\\|[^ \"\t\n]\\)"
  ) nil t)

(adding quotes to the [^...] bits) takes care of example 2. Not sure if example 1 is a feature or a bug - I sometimes use things like


so maybe modifying the regex is good enough?

OTOH, <<no-such-chunk>> has no effect. Maybe checking that the reference actually resolves is better than tweaking the regexes.



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