Bastien <bzg <at>> writes:

> You can bind a key to this command:
> (lambda ()
>   (interactive)
>   (goto-char
>    (text-property-any (point-min) (point-max)
>                     'face 'org-agenda-current-time)))
> > How can I apply a special face to this line to make it better visible
> > (but only in this agenda view, not in others)?
> M-x customize-face RET org-agenda-current-time RET

Salut Bastien,

thanks a lot. Indeed that helps, but it arises 2 more questions...

How can I test a command like the one you sent me without saving it in a
buffer and binding a key to it?
I'd like to just execute it like a shell command with M-x, but I did not
find a way to do that. 

How can I define that this command is executed each time I build or refresh
a certain (not all) block agenda?

Kind regards


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