Shiyuan <> writes:

> The two setting doesn't seem to have effect.  
> (setq python-shell-interpreter "ipython")
> (setq python-shell-interpreter-args "--pylab")
> When I did `C-c C-c` on the SRC block to execute the code, emacs
> created a buffer with the interior python process. When I switched to
> the process, I saw it is python 2.5.3, not ipython.  
> Also, it looks like the problem is with the shell interpreter. If I
> enter command directly in the shell buffer, the shell buffer will echo
> command itself and then the result. 
>>>> print "Hello"
> print "Hello"
> Hello. 
> Is there any setting to control this shell behavior? Can I make the
> python shell not echo the command? Thanks.  

When a *shell* does that to me, I do (on Linux)

$ stty -echo

but I'm not sure where that would fit into your setup.


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