Nicolas Goaziou <> writes:

> Eric Schulte <> writes:
>> Sure.  I have added a function to org-export-filter-parse-tree-functions
>> which replaces a custom keyword with either a latex-fragment or an HTML
>> link wrapped in a paragraph depending on the export backend.  The latex
>> fragment basically has the following content,
>>     "\\begin{figure}
>>       \\centering
>>       \\input{%s}
>>       \\caption[%s]{\\label{%s}%s}
>>     \\end{figure}\n\n"
>> and I assign it a :name property to match the label in the above.  I
>> then have links elsewhere in the file which reference this label.
> I still do not get it. Could you show your (possibly simplified) filter
> function?


Attachment: tikz-figure-keywords.el
Description: application/emacs-lisp

> Also, what code do you want ox-latex to generate?

So something like the following

    #+name: technique-overview
    #+Caption[Overview of Technique]: Text.
    #+TIKZ_FIGURE: technique-overview

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Figure [[technique-overview]] posuere.

results in something like the following for latex export

      \caption[Overview of Technique]{\label{technique-overview}Text.}

     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Figure \ref{technique-overview} posuere.


> Note that #+NAME is internal Org syntax. It cannot possibly be
> compatible with random raw LaTeX code. IOW, even if you can write raw
> LaTeX in an Org buffer, it doesn't mean that Org will understand the
> LaTeX code you wrote.
> Regards,

Eric Schulte
PGP: 0x614CA05D (see

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