John Hendy writes:
> Did you search around a bit? There's lots of posts with people's
> setups. You certainly *can* install over the top of the Org that came
> with your version of Emacs (pointing it to install to
> /usr/local/share, I suppose), though I've never gone that route.

In any case, this doesn't do what I think you believe this is doing.
The default install method installs into site-lisp, not into the Emacs
install directory.  The reason I keep advocating that method is that
conveniently the buil-in load-path is already set up to do the right
thing from the very beginning (you only need to remember to require
org-loaddefs from your .emacs) and you can fall back easily to the
built-in Org from Emacs itself if needed.  Also the build directory can
be used for whatever experimentation you desire without disrupting any
serious work.

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