Hi List, 

I try to include a (lilypond) src_block using header-arg :var, but it
does not work:

| #+name: common
| #+begin_src lilypond :exports none :file common.eps
|   \version "2.18.2"
|   \paper{
|     oddFooterMarkup = \markup {}
|   }
| #+end_src
| #+name: score
| #+begin_src lilypond :var com=common :exports results :file Mixolydian.png 
|   com
|   \relative c' { 
|     g a b c d e f g f e d c b a g a b c d e f g f e d c b a g1 
|  }
| #+end_src

When exporting this to pdf (C-c C-e l p), the Lilypond Footer is still

OTOH when I simply copy&paste the body of src_block common into
scr_block score like this:

| #+begin_src lilypond :exports results :file Mixolydian.png 
|   \version "2.18.2"
|   \paper{
|     oddFooterMarkup = \markup {}
|   }
|   \relative c' { 
|     g a b c d e f g f e d c b a g a b c d e f g f e d c b a g1 
|  }
| #+end_src

the output is as expected, i.e. the Lilypond Footer is not printed. 

Am I doing something wrong here?


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