Hi Suhas,

> Upon closer examination, I found that there are two commands to export to PDF.
> C-c C-e l small-o (converts to "regular" pdf)
> C-c C-e l capital-O (converts to "presentation" pdf, i.e., converts all 
> headings to slides)

Yes, I exported via the Beamer exporter with C-c C-e l O.   

> I tested "C-c C-e l O" successfully for a simple text but I'm getting the 
> following error for the attached file in my last email.
> org-latex-compile: PDF file ./presentation.pdf wasn't produced: Runaway 
> argument

I just tried this with 8.2.5h and could not reproduce your problem.
Are you sure you're exporting the exact same file you attached?


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