July, 15 at 23:58 Thorsten Jolitz wrote:

> Ivan Kanis <i...@kanis.fr> writes:
>> I need to have org agenda (and then appt) manage an event once a week.
>> The catch is that is should happen at a random day and hour.
>> My thinking is that populating programmatically a year entry is probably
>> the sanest way to go about it.
>> Has anyone else done it?
> This is not an arcane scientific solution, but should give a random
> timestamp for between tomorrow and the end of the current week. You
> could write a function (using run-with-timer) that runs this sunday at
> 00:00h and inserts a todo item with the returned timestamp into an
> agenda file:

Hi Thorsten,

Thanks it will get me there when I will write it. I turn off emacs at
home and at work so the run-with-timer will not work.

Take care,

Hard drive sleeping. Let it wake up on it's own...
    -- BOFH excuse #43

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