> From: Michael Heerdegen <michael_heerde...@web.de>
> Cc: 18...@debbugs.gnu.org,  Lionel Henry <lionel....@gmail.com>
> Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 20:14:46 +0200
> Michael Heerdegen <michael_heerde...@web.de> writes:
> > > > Activating both linum-mode and org-indent-mode will cause several
> > > > graphical glitches in the current line.
> > > > See
> > > > http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2011-01/msg01204.html
> > >
> > > That discussion provides no reproducible recipe.
> But I think I found something that is related (before-string overlays
> vs. text properties) and is reproducible for emacs -Q:

It's specific to invisible property, not just any property, and also
requires that another text property starts exactly where the invisible
property ends.

I'm not sure this is the same problem as reported by the OP, so it
probably should have been reported as a separate bug (merging them
later is easy).

> - visit a file under version control (I tried a git controlled file here)
> - M-x vc-annotate
> - v (i.e. vc-annotate-toggle-annotation-visibility)
> - M-x linum-mode
> ==> all lines but one loose their coloring.  Those lines that are still
> colored loose their line number.
> nlinum-mode behaves similarly.

Fixed in revision 117382 on the emacs-24 branch.

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