Hi Tom,

On Mon, 21 Jul 2014 10:48:14 -1000
t...@tsdye.com (Thomas S. Dye) wrote:

> Hi Manfred,
> Manfred Lotz <manfred.l...@arcor.de> writes:
> > Hi Tom,
> >
> > On Mon, 21 Jul 2014 09:53:41 -1000
> > t...@tsdye.com (Thomas S. Dye) wrote:
> >
> >> Aloha Manfred,
> >> 
> >> You should be able to use attr_latex (untested).
> >> 
> >> Manfred Lotz <manfred.l...@arcor.de> writes:
> >> 
> >> #+ATTR_LATEX: :options linenos=true frame=single
> >> >   #+BEGIN_SRC perl
> >> >   #! /usr/bin/perl
> >> >   
> >> >   use strict;
> >> >   use warnings;
> >> >   use 5.010;
> >> >
> >> >   say 'hey';
> >> >   #+END_SRC
> >> 
> >
> > Unfortunately, that doesn't work. 
> Yes, when I tried a slightly modified version here I got incorrect
> LaTeX output:
>  \begin{minted}[,linenos=true, frame=single]{perl}
>  #! /usr/bin/perl
>    use strict;
>    use warnings;
>    use 5.010;
>    say 'hey';
>  \end{minted}
> Note the extraneous comma in the optional argument before "linenos".
> I get what looks to be correct LaTeX export if I set options in the
> variable org-latex-minted-options, as shown in the emacs-lisp code
> block below. 
>  #+ATTR_LATEX: :options linenos=true, frame=single
>  #+BEGIN_SRC perl
>  #! /usr/bin/perl
>    use strict;
>    use warnings;
>    use 5.010;
>    say 'hey';
>  #+END_SRC
>  #+begin_src emacs-lisp
>    (require 'ox-latex)
>    (add-to-list 'org-latex-packages-alist '("" "minted"))
>    (setq org-latex-listings 'minted)
>    (setq org-latex-minted-options 
>      '(("linenos" "true") ("frame" "single")))
>  #+end_SEC

In the end I did put the code into the .emacs file which isn't too bad
as I usually like to have those minted settings globally.

Best, Manfred

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