thx Thorsten

this is great!

will use it over the next few days and report bug (if any) that i find



On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 5:14 PM, Thorsten Jolitz <> wrote:

> Hi List,
> I've written the "eierlegende Wollmilchsau" of wrap-in-block functions
> (i.e. the 'all-inclusive mother of all wrap-in-block functions').
> To check it out, you need to
>  1. Clone or fork the git repo (
>  2. (add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/org-dp/") and
>  3. (require 'org-dp-lib') in your init file
> `org-dp-wrap-in-block' works on/with all kinds of Org blocks, and can be
> called interactively or non-interactively.
> It
>  - inserts a new block when called on an empty line without arguments
>  - wraps sexp or region or '+/- X lines from point' into a newly created
>    block
>  - when called with point inside a block, it either
>    + unwraps the blocks content, i.e. deletes the surrounding block or
>    + replaces the surrounding block with a different block
> It takes full account of affiliated keywords. In case of src-blocks,
> it puts src-block parameters on the block's headline, but with
> `org-dp-toggle-headers' its easy to toggle between parameters
> ,----
> |   #+begin_src R :noweb yes
> `----
> and headers
> ,----
> | #+header: :noweb yes
> | #+begin_src R
> `----
> This function takes into account so many options that combinatorics hits
> you badly when trying to test all of them. Everything I tried works now
> with the current version, but its not unlikely that daily usage will
> discover some bugs or untreated corner cases. Please report them with
> backtrace.
> The good news is that besides its complexity, its not one
> mega-convoluted monolithic function for a single task only. Instead I
> outfactored the core functionality into the 'org-dp.el' library
> ("Declarative Programming with Org Elements") which offers potentially
> massive time (and headache) savings when programming with Org Elements
> on the local level.
> 'org-dp' acts on the internal representation of Org elements, and due to
> the total uniformity of this representation it is possible to do diverse
> actions on diverse elements in a very uniform way, thus the 3 functions
>  - `org-dp-create'
>  - `org-dp-rewire'
>  - `org-dp-prompt'
> should be all you need for all kinds of programming
> tasks. `org-dp-wrap-in-block' is one example of how to program with
> org-dp, `org-dp-toggle-headers' is another one.
> Hope that this is useful.
> PS
> For the sake of completeness, here the docstring of
> `org-dp-wrap-in-block':
> ,----[ C-h f org-dp-wrap-in-block RET ]
> | org-dp-wrap-in-block is an interactive Lisp function in
> | `org-dp-lib.el'.
> |
> | It is bound to C-c w w.
> |
> | (org-dp-wrap-in-block &optional LINES USER-INFO)
> |
> | Wrap sexp-at-point or region in Org block.
> |
> | A region instead of the sexp-at-point is wrapped if either
> |
> |    - optional arg LINES is an (positive or negative) integer or
> |
> |    - the region is active
> |
> | In the first case the region is determined by moving +/- LINES
> | forward/backward from point using `forward-line', in the second
> | case the active region is used.
> |
> | If point is already inside of a block, modify it or unwrap its
> | content/value instead of wrapping it in another block, except if
> | explicitly asked for by user.
> |
> | If USER-INFO is given, it should be a list in the format returned by
> | `org-dp-prompt', i.e.
> |
> |  (elem-type contents replace affiliated args)
> |
> | Look up that function's docstring for more information about the
> | list's elements. A non-nil USER-INFO suppresses calls to
> | `org-dp-prompt' and is used instead of its return value.
> `----
> --
> cheers,
> Thorsten

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