El Wed, 06 Aug 2014 14:12:21 +0200 Nicolas Goaziou va escriure:
> I understand that "paragraph is alone in its item" is not a good test to
> skip paragraph wrappers. I'm still confused about what a good test would
> be. In particular, what should be done in the following cases
>   - item
>   - item
>     - sublist
>     resuming item

  You mean „item“ contains text+ol+p? Rather strange… I first thought that 
„resuming item“ would be a continuation line of „sublist“ (that is, as if 
„sublist resuming item“ were the only item of the sublist).
  But why not, as a general rule, avoid <p> for the first elements of lists? 
That is, don't output paragraph+list+paragraph, but text+list+paragraph.
  This works for the simple case (<li>text</li>) and allows the complex ones 

> i.e., (paragraph plain-list paragraph), and
>   - outer
>     another paragraph
>     - inner
>     - simple list
> i.e., are nested plain-lists independent relatively to paragraph
> wrappers skipping. I think so, but I'd rather make sure.

I'd also say text+p+ol.

Rather unusual syntax anyway… but it shouldn't break the simple <li>Plain 
item</li> (now broken).

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