forgive me but have a newbie question I cannot figure out - spent several hours with documentation and searching the net...

Don't see why the following buffer is not folded after running "cntl-c / m AUTO" (bound to org-sparse-tree command), the hits are only highlighted in yellow:

What I expect would be:

I tried this on two machines (with different file contents), one linux, one Windows-7 (shown here).
I have org-mode v 8.2.7a and GNU emacs 24.3.1.

my .emacs file:
;(cd "C:/Users/hkalldin/Desktop")
;(setq default-directory "C:/Documents and Settings/hkalldin/Desktop/")
;(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-f")  (lambda () (interactive)
;                                     (cd "C:/Users/hkalldin/Desktop")
;                                     (call-interactively 'find-file)))

; basic ASCII printing to default printer:
(setq printer-name "//HANSKLTW7/sharedJ6400")

;; org-mode: The following lines are always needed.  Choose your own keys.
(require 'org-install)
(require 'org-habit)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.org\\'" . org-mode))
(global-set-key "\C-cl" 'org-store-link)
(global-set-key "\C-ca" 'org-agenda)
(global-set-key "\C-cb" 'org-iswitchb)
(global-set-key "\C-cc" 'org-capture)
;;(transient-mark-mode 1)
 ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
 ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
 ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
 ;; '(org-agenda-files (quote ("~/kal.org")))
;; '(safe-local-variable-values (quote ((eval org-display-inline-images))))
 ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
 ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
 ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.

I've also attached the org file in question.

What am I doing wrong?!

Many thanks in advance
* ACC = Adaptive Cruise Control                                        :AUTO:
* AEB = Autonomous Emergency Breaking                                  :AUTO:
* AMF = Android Multimedia Framework (can be used on Linux too)
  Infrastructure for passing messages between a host and other
  cores (denoted as CEVA-Link in MM3K presentations)
* BSD = Blind Spot Detection                                           :AUTO:
* FCW = Forward Collision Warning                                      :AUTO:
* ADAS = Advanced Driver Assistance Systems                            :AUTO:
* ADK = Application Deveopment Kit (MM3K)
* DVS = Digital Video Stabilizer
* SR = Super-resolution
* LDW = Lane Departure Warning                                         :AUTO:
* TSR = Traffic Sign Recognition                                       :AUTO:
* VDMA = Vector DMA (in CEVA-MM3K arch diagrams): 
       access both ISDM and IVDM
* VP = Vector Processor (in CEVA arch diagrams, IE the DSP core)
* VPU = Vector Processor Unit in MM3K
      (in CEVA arch diagrams, cmp to VCU in XC*)
* VLSU = Vector Processor Unit in MM3K
      (in CEVA arch diagrams)
* VMEM = Vector MEMory (as opposed to SMEM)
* SMEM = Sequancial? MEMory (as opposed to VMEM)
* CISA = Configurable Instruction Set Architecture (& VGEN)
* ISDM = Internal Sequential Data Memory (MM3K)
* IVDM = Internal Vector Data Memory (MM3K)
* MCMI = Multi Core Messaging Interface (MM3K)
* ISP = Image Signal Processing (MM3K/CV applications)
* CV = Computer Visiong
* PC = Point Cloud
     A point cloud is a set of data points in some coordinate system.  In a
     three-dimensional coordinate system, these points are usually defined
     by X, Y, and Z coordinates, and often are intended to represent the
     external surface of an object.  Point clouds may be created by 3D
     scanners. These devices measure in an automatic way a large number of
     points on the surface of an object, and often output a point cloud as
     a data file. The point cloud represents the set of points that the
     device has measured.
* PCL = Point Cloud Library (open source)
* OOB = Out Of Box, usually referring to C source code 
      without tweaks for target DSP.
* LUT = Look-Up Table (a key-value kind of data structure)
* SVM = 
* HDR = 
* TAM = 

* HOG : feature extraction for gesture recognition & palm tracking       :CV:
* Hough : The Hough transform is a feature extraction technique used     :CV:
        in image analysis, computer vision, and digital image processing.
* HAAR Like :                                                            :CV:
* Harris Corner :                                                        :CV:
* Kalman filter : A Kalman filter is an optimal estimator -              :CV:
    ie infers parameters of interest from indirect, inaccurate and
    uncertain observations. It is recursive so that new measurements can
    be processed as they arrive.
* Lucas-Kanade : optical flow                                            :CV:
* CNN :                                                                  :CV:
* Sobel :                                                                :CV:
* KLT : optical flow for emotion detection                               :CV:
* Block Matching : optical flow for emotion detection                    :CV:
* MSER : feature extraction for gesture recognition & palm tracking      :CV:
* ORB  : object detection & tracking                                     :CV:
* Fast9 : feature extraction for gesture recognition & palm tracking     :CV:
* SURF : feature extraction for gesture recognition & palm tracking      :CV:
* LBP : object detection & tracking                                      :CV:
* HAAR cascade : object detection & tracking                             :CV:
* integral sum : object detection & tracking                             :CV:
* matrix inversion/multiplication                                        :CV:
  image operation for face detection & recognition
* histogram :  image operation for face detection & recognition          :CV:
* bilinear filter : for augmented reality                                :CV:
* bicubic filter : for augmented reality                                 :CV:
* bilateral filter : for augmented reality                               :CV:
* RANSAC :                                                               :CV:
* FAST :                                                                 :CV:
* GoodFeaturesToTrack :                                                  :CV:
* Addaboost :                                                            :CV:
* Point Cloud Processing :                                               :CV:
* SAD = Sum of Absolute Differences :                                    :CV:

* OpenCV                                                                 :CV:
  Open Computer Vision library, http://opencv.org/
   documentation http://docs.opencv.org/trunk/index.html
   and here http://opencv.org/documentation.html
   32- or 64-bit floating point based.
   "standard" under Khronos.
** GoodFeaturesToTrack
    part of OpenCV
* CEVA-CV CEVA's OpenCV implementation on MM3k                           :CV:
   16-bit fixed point vector based (VEC-C).

** NHTSA National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (US)
** NCAP New Car Assessment Program (US, run by NHTSA)
** Euro NCAP (backed by EU) 
** IIHS Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (US)
** jello effect - caused by rooling shutter?
** rolling shutter effect
*** what is it? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFFRGSCmTWc
*** what does it look like? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EaB9EHeDLSk
** CVS : 3D stereo depth map
** nVisio : emotion detection
** "60 Mpps for 1080p30" IE 60 Megapixel/sec for 1080p 30 frames/sec

* Autosar (AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture)                        :AUTO:
  is a worldwide development partnership of car manufacturers, 
  suppliers and other companies from the electronics, semiconductor
  and software industry. With the goals of:
  - Standardization of basic software functionality of automotive ECUs
  - Scalability to different vehicle and platform variants
  - Transferability of software
  - Support of different functional domains
  - Definition of an open architecture
  - Collaboration between various partners
  - Development of highly dependable systems
  - Sustainable utilization of natural resources
  - Support of applicable automotive international standards and 
state-of-the-art technologies
* Khronos
  The Khronos Group - "Connecting Software to Silicon"
The Khronos Group is a not for profit industry consortium creating
open standards for the authoring and acceleration of parallel
computing, graphics, dynamic media, computer vision and sensor
processing on a wide variety of platforms and devices. All Khronos
members are able to contribute to the development of Khronos API
specifications, are empowered to vote at various stages before public
deployment, and are able to accelerate the delivery of their
cutting-edge 3D platforms and applications through early access to
specification drafts and conformance tests.
** OpenCL = a programming language (CEVA don't support)

** ISO 26262                                                           :AUTO:
** ASIL-B                                                              :AUTO:
   there are 4 levels -A, -B, -C and -D (lower to higher)
   Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL) is a risk classification
   scheme defined by the ISO 26262 - Functional Safety for Road
   Vehicles standard. This is an adaptation of the Safety Integrity
   Level used in IEC 61508 for the automotive industry. This
   classification helps defining the safety requirements necessary to
   be in line with the ISO 26262 standard. The ASIL is established by
   performing a risk analysis of a potential hazard by looking at the
   Severity, Exposure and Controllability of the vehicle operating
   scenario. The safety goal for that hazard in turn carries the ASIL


* Zigbee, wireless communication protocoll
* 6lowpan, wireless communication protocoll ?
* IoT, Internet-of-Things
* Whitespace protocol                                                 :COMMS:

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