
Teika Kazura <te...@gmx.com> writes:

> Hello, org-world. I experience a regression in org-replace-disputed-keys, and 
> I git-bisected it.
> * Symptom: org-replace-disputed-keys doesn't work for me.
> Emacs version: GNU Emacs 24.3.1 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.0.12)
> * How to reproduce it:
> 1. Put the org to "/tmp/org-mode"
> 2. Save the following lisp to "foo.el"
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> (progn
>   (setq org-replace-disputed-keys t)
>   (setq org-disputed-keys
>       '(([(shift up)] . [(ctrl up)])
>         ([(shift down)] . [(ctrl down)])
>         ([(shift left)] . [(ctrl left)])
>         ([(shift right)] . [(ctrl right)])
>         ([(shift meta right)] . [(shift control right)])
>         ([(shift meta left)] . [(shift control left)])
>         ([(shift meta up)] . [(shift control up)])
>         ([(shift meta down)] . [(shift control down)])
>         ([(shift control right)] . [(shift meta right)])
>         ([(shift control left)] . [(shift meta left)]))
>       )
>   (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "/tmp/org-mode/lisp"))
>   (pop-to-buffer "*scratch*")
>   (insert "* " (org-version) " (" (org-git-version) ")\n ")
>   (require 'org)
>   (org-mode))
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 3. Run emacs with 
>   $ emacs -Q -l foo.el
> 4. M-x org-schedule, and press ctrl+<cursor>.

AFAICT, this is partly working. Combinations like [(shift control left)]
are properly translated, but not [(shift up)]. Wouldn't this be related
to some shift-translation Emacs does?


Nicolas Goaziou

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