Am 11.10.2014 um 14:51 schrieb Bastien <>:

> Hi Axel,
> Axel Kielhorn <> writes:
>> It still does not work for:
>> #+LANGUAGE: "fr"
> Does it work for
> #+LANGUAGE: fr

No. That was my first try. It has no effect.

>> and i discovered some untranslated english words in the caption when
>> generating a clock table for a week/month/quater,
> Please report missing translations and someone will fix it.
> Thanks!

Here is what I'm using now in custom.el:

    (("en" "File" "L" "Timestamp" "Headline" "Time" "ALL" "Total time" "File 
time" "Clock summary at")
     ("es" "Archivo" "N" "Fecha y hora" "Tarea" "Tiempo" "TODO" "Tiempo total" 
"Tiempo archivo" "Clock summary at")
     ("fr" "Fichier" "N" "Horodatage" "En-tête" "Durée" "TOUT" "Durée totale" 
"Durée fichier" "Horodatage sommaire à")
     ("nl" "Bestand" "N" "Tijdstip" "Hoofding" "Duur" "ALLES" "Totale duur" 
"Bestandstijd" "Clock summary at")
     ("de" "Datei" "L" "Timestamp" "Tätigkeit" "Zeit" "" "Gesamtzeit" "Datei 
Zeit" "Erstellt am"))))

I haven't encountered "Timestamp" so far and didn't translate it.
Getting these translations into org would be nice, but may require some 
discussion among the german users first.

There are some untranslated strings in
(defun org-clock-special-range (key &optional time as-strings wstart mstart)
     ((memq key '(day today))
      (setq txt (format-time-string "%A, %B %d, %Y" ts)))
     ((memq key '(week thisweek))
      (setq txt (format-time-string "week %G-W%V" ts)))
     ((memq key '(month thismonth))
      (setq txt (format-time-string "%B %Y" ts)))
     ((memq key '(year thisyear))
      (setq txt (format-time-string "the year %Y" ts)))
     ((memq key '(quarter thisq))
      (setq txt (concat (org-count-quarter shiftedq) " quarter of " 
(number-to-string shiftedy)))))
    (if as-strings
        (list (format-time-string fm ts) (format-time-string fm te) txt)
      (list ts te txt))))


(defun org-clocktable-write-default (ipos tables params)
 ;; Insert the text *before* the actual table
     (or header
         ;; Format the standard header
          "#+CAPTION: "
          (nth 9 lwords) " ["
           (format-time-string (cdr org-time-stamp-formats))
           1 -1)
          (if block (concat ", for " range-text ".") "")

Right now I'm doing weekly reports and adjust the caption.


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