I just re-set up tj3 on a new work computer and am a bit puzzled by
the report directory structure.

Here's what I get when running C-e J j

If I use C-e J p instead, I get:

Opening Overview.html doesn't pick up the css, though. I have to put
Overview.html inside of taskjuggler.

If I manuall run tj3 on the file, I get the same taskjuggler
directory, but Overview.html is generated inside of ~/working_dir

I'm a bit confused by both behaviors. The variables I've defined in .emacs are:

org-taskjuggler-target-version: 3.5
org-taskjuggler-default-reports: include "reports.tji" (custom report
I've defined)

As far as I know, these are relevant but left as the default that came with org:
org-taskjuggler-proces-command: "tj3 --silent --no-color --output-dir %o %f"
org-taskjuggler-reports-directory: "reports"

I don't think it matters... but here's my pretty simple gantt chart
reports.tji file used above:

#+begin_src reports.tji

textreport frame "" {
  header -8<-
    == Example report ==
    <[navigator id="navbar"]>
  footer "----"

 textreport index "Overview" {
    formats html
    center '<[report id="overview"]>'


taskreport overview "" {
  header -8<-
    === Timeline/Deliverables ===
  columns bsi { title 'WBS' },
          name, start, duration, chart { width 1200 ${TaskTip} scale hour}

  # For this report we like to have the abbreviated weekday in front
  # of the date. %a is the tag for this.
  timeformat "%d %H:%M"
  period 2014-11-03-06:00 + 72h
  loadunit minutes
  hideresource 1
  sorttasks tree



Thanks for any suggestions,

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