On Mon, 10 Nov 2014, Andreas Leha wrote:

Hi Sebastien,

Sebastien Vauban <sva-n...@mygooglest.com> writes:
Andreas Leha wrote:
Sebastien Vauban <sva-n...@mygooglest.com> writes:
Andreas Leha wrote:
For me, that's the correct behavior, as inline code blocks are
*only expected to be evaluated during export*.

I disagree here.


Nonetheless, from a literate programming perspective, I think that
replaceable (and raw) inline results are definitely desirable.
Regardless of the state of their implementation in orgmode right now.


I find myself writing an inline src block, then typing `C-c C-c C-x u' to view and then remove the result, then revise, and repeat. I'd be happy to just leave it in the document.

FWIW, I'm not -- yet? -- convinced we should see the results of inline
code blocks inlined in the paragraph (and I'm not sure either it does
not cause interpretation problems); but, for sure, I'd love to be able
to preview the value interactively, at least.

So, I do not doubt, that you and Nicolas are right with that
replaceable inline results are not implemented and are -- from
orgmodes perspective -- expected to be evaluated only during export.

My message was meant more as a feature request saying that I consider
replaceable inline results useful and would like to see them supported
by org.

Could you better explain your statement: "Limiting the use of inline
code to eval-on-export-only renders all the org-babel-execute-subtree
and related functionality useless"?

I'm not sure to fully understand your use-case.  That'd certainly be
worth explaining why you think it must be changed in the first instance
if you'd like Eric or Nicolas (or someone else) to change that.

Consider this simple toy example.  If you press 'C-c C-v s' in the
subtree, the document is 'broken' for export.  If you press 'C-c C-v s'
twice or more the document is 'broken' even for display.

[deleted ECM]

It seems like implementing removable inline results cleanly is a nettlesome issue.

But with the recent implementation of `org-babel-inline-result-wrap' it would be trivial to wrap results with something like "@@babel:%s@@",
which can be found and removed more reliably than "=%s=".

On export, either the :back-end property of such export-snippets could be revised to the backend in use by a parse-tree filter or the code in each org-<backend>-export-snippet could be revised to accept such snippets.

There is still the matter of adding code to find and remove those snippets where Nicolas pointed in ob-core.al.

But it seems do-able.



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