Hi Sascha,

Sascha Ziemann <cev...@gmail.com> writes:

> I tried to get a list of all items done today. I tried to open the agenda
> view but is does not show anything. What is the right command to see the
> items done today?

If you use logging, one way to do this is to press "l" in the agenda, to
turn on "log mode".  This will show you all the tasks you worked on,
including the ones that you marked done.

I'm not sure if this is possible without logging, since your org files
won't record when tasks were marked done.  You can turn on logging with
a line like

#+STARTUP: logdone

in the preamble of an org file to turn logging on for that file, or

(setq org-log-done 'time) 

in your .emacs, to turn it on globally.

To keep things neat, you might also want to use

#+STARTUP: logdrawer


(setq org-log-into-drawer t)

so your logs go in a LOGBOOK drawer.

Hope that helps!


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