On 2014-12-08, at 10:39, Eric Abrahamsen wrote:

> No, you're quite right, I was just answering off the cuff, without
> thorough thought. It is indeed possible to stick (interactive) inside of
> a lambda, though intuition tells me that that it's not generally good
> practice -- Emacs' introspection functions will probably at some point
> bark at you for not having a named function, and it will make it harder
> to use the built-in help functions to figure out what's going on. But
> yes, you're right, it's definitely possible.

You're probably right - describe-key works (of course), but in an ideal
way (somehow jumping to the source won't work;-) - but a docstring

> E


Marcin Borkowski
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Adam Mickiewicz University

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