One thing I use org tables for is to represent a series of accounting
transactions, with each group of rows representing a set of entries for the

Like this:

|  Id | X | Date             | Charge        | Dr        | Cr        | C | R | 
Description    |
| 206 |   | [2010-12-05 Sun] | l:chase visa  |           | 1,648.62  | x | x | 
Opening Equity |
| 207 |   | [2010-12-05 Sun] | q:eq          | 1,648.62  |           |   |   | 
Opening Equity |
| 208 |   | [2010-12-20 Mon] | l:comm:visa   |           | 3,859.39  | x | x | 
Opening Equity |
| 209 |   | [2010-12-20 Mon] | q:eq          | 3,859.39  |           |   |   | 
Opening Equity |
| 211 |   | [2010-12-27 Mon] | q:eq          | 43,447.85 |           |   |   | 
Opening Equity |
| 210 |   | [2010-12-27 Mon] | l:charter one |           | 43,447.85 | x | x | 
Opening Equity |

It is sometimes handy to move transactions around, but they have to be moved
as a group.  It would be nice if org had the ability to do this in a manner as
convenient as moving around individual rows.  Perhaps, C-M-<up>, C-M-<down>
could be bound to such a function.

A Bonus feature might be to provide a way to sort groups in a manner similar
to rows, using say, the first row in each group for the sort criteria, but
moving whole groups as a unit.  So I could sort the transactions by date,
description, etc.

Daniel E. Doherty

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